Mysteries Of The Bible returns with “In Defense of The Gospel” hosted by Mr. Powers and co-hosted by Saint James of the Israelite Church of God In Jesus Christ. This pilot sets off the theme for Season 1 revealing Satan as the god of this world.
Mr.Powers and Saint James clearly explains through the use of biblical precepts how the devil is deceiving everyone in the world into worshipping him rather than worshipping the True and Living God, our Lord, our King, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
During this week’s segment of “Did You Know That?”, incredible understanding about the origin of the tradition known as Halloween is brought out as it was revealed by the Prophet of God, Holy Apostle and Chief High Priest Tazadaqyah, The Holy God Sent Comforter and also known as Dr.Jermaine Grant who is the original host of Mysteries of The Bible over a decade ago.