The Word of Prophecy: The Point Of No Return S.3 Ep.29

The Word of Prophecy: The Point Of No Return S.3 Ep.29

This is it. There is no turning back now. The die has been cast. What was written in the Holy Bible (KJV) by the prophets of God about this time is happening now. It can not be undone. There is but one only place to escape the attack of Satan. The ICGJC. The one and only House of God is where the information required to be saved by God is taught to us by the mouth of his prophet. Praise God for sending us the Holy God Sent Comforter, Holy Apostle and Chief High Priest Tazadaqyah with perfefect timing and for breaking down the mysteries of the bible with pin point accuracy. We are at the Point of No Return so you better decide quickly which side your on!!! Tune in to this thrilling and truly electrifying episode of Mysteries of The Bible.